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An infrared LED and an infrared photodiode for detecting displacement in the cam barrel are also attached. The printhead has six rows of interleaved printing elements that print the six colors or types of ink supplied by the ink inlet Image display device and method of communicating with an image display device over a network. System and method for linking page content with a media file and displaying the links. It is interpreted in a way that is specific to the application once it is submitted to the application via selective hyperlink activation. In other embodiments, the netpage system is hosted on a dedicated intranet.


Summary of collector book 自由


These are pages of text, graphics and images that are printed on regular paper but behave like interactive web pages. Information is encoded on each page using ink that is substantially invisible to the naked human eye. However, the ink and the data coded thereby can be sensed by an optical imaging pen and transmitted to the netpage system.

In one embodiment, text written by hand on a netpage is automatically recognized in the netpage system and converted to computer text so that a form can be filled out. In other embodiments, the signature recorded on the netpage is automatically verified, allowing e-commerce transactions to be securely authorized.

An interactive format that can be represented. The netpage consists of graphic data 2 that is printed using visible ink and coded data 3 that is printed as a collection of tags 4 using invisible ink. The corresponding page description 5 stored on the netpage network describes the individual elements of the netpage.

In particular, it allows each interactive element type and spatial extent zone ie text fields and buttons in the example to allow the netpage system to correctly interpret input via the netpage. For example, the submit button 6 has a zone 7 that matches the spatial extent of the corresponding graphic 8. It operates together with a netpage printer that is an internet-connected printing device. The pen is wireless and certainly communicates with the netpage printer via the short-range wireless link 9.

Can deliver personalized newspapers, magazines, catalogs, books and other publications. Unlike personal computers, netpage printers wall adjacent to areas where morning news is first consumed, for example, in the user’s kitchen, near a breakfast table or near the starting point in the home of the day It can be attached to the equipment.

It is also delivered in tabletop, desktop, portable, and reduced versions. The printer sends a dialog to the associated netpage page server 10 for interpretation.

In an appropriate situation, the page server sends a corresponding message to the application computer software running on the netpage application server As a result, the application server may send a response to be printed on the originating printer.

TM The use in conjunction with a printer makes it considerably more convenient in the preferred embodiment. With the preferred format of this technology, relatively high speed and high quality printing is even more affordable for consumers. In its preferred format, netpage prints are traditionally bound, such as a set of letter-sized glossy pages printed in full color on both sides, bound together for easy navigation and ease of handling.

It has the physical characteristics of a current affairs magazine. Network printers can also operate with slower connections, but delivery times are longer and image quality is even lower. In fact, the netpage system can be enabled using existing consumer inkjet printers and laser printers, although the system will operate at lower speeds and will therefore be less acceptable from a consumer perspective.

In other embodiments, the netpage system is hosted on a dedicated intranet. In still other embodiments, the netpage system is hosted on a device enabled by a computer such as a single computer or printer. Regular publications are automatically delivered to subscribed network printers via point-casting and multicast Internet protocols.

Personalized publications are filtered and formatted according to individual user profiles. In the preferred implementation, each netpage pen has a unique identifier. A home may have a collection of colored netpage pens, one assigned to each member of the family. This allows each user to maintain a separate profile for the netpage publishing server or application server.

This allows e-commerce payments to be safely authorized using a netpage pen. The netpage registration server compares the signature captured by the netpage pen with signatures registered in the past so that it can authenticate the user’s identity to the e-commerce server.

Other biometrics can also be used to verify identity. The netpage pen version includes a fingerprint scan that is also verified by the netpage registration server. In its preferred form, it only delivers periodicals from subscribed or otherwise authorized sources. In this respect, a netpage printer differs from an email account that is visible to a fax machine or a junk mail sender who knows a phone number or email address. Netpage system architecture Each object model in the system is described using a Unified Modeling Language UML class diagram.

A class diagram consists of a set of object classes connected by relationships, and here, the following two types of relationships are important. That is, association and generalization. A join represents a kind of relationship between objects, that is, instances of a class. Generalization can be understood in terms of actual classes as follows: That is, if a class is considered as a collection of all objects of that class, and class A is a generalization of class B, then B is simply a subset of A.

UML does not directly support quadratic modeling, ie class of classes. It contains a list of class attributes separated from the name by a horizontal line and a list of class actions separated from the attribute list by a horizontal line. However, in the class diagram that follows, the behavior is never simulated. Each binding is optionally named with its name, and optionally with a corresponding class role at either end.

It is shown with an attribute only where it is defined. They provide a paper-based user interface for published information and interactive services. The online page description is permanently maintained by the netpage page server.

The page description describes the visible layout and content of the page, including text, graphics and images. It also describes input elements on the page including buttons, hyperlinks, and input fields. A netpage allows markings placed on its surface with a netpage pen to be simultaneously captured and processed by the netpage system.

However, otherwise, each netpage is assigned a unique page identifier so that input through the same page can be distinguished. This page ID has sufficient accuracy to distinguish between the vast majority of netpages. The tag identifies the unique page on which it is displayed, thereby indirectly identifying the page description.

The tag also specifies a dedicated position on the page. The characteristics of the tag will be described in more detail later. Near-infrared wavelengths are not visible to the human eye but are easily sensed by a solid state image sensor with a suitable filter. The pen is wireless and communicates with the netpage printer via short-range wireless land.

The tags are sufficiently small and densely arranged that the pen can reliably image at least one tag on the page with a single click. Since dialogs are stateless, it is important that the pen recognizes the page ID and the position each time it interacts with the page. Like that. The page stance is associated with both the netpage printer that printed it and, if known, the netpage user who requested it.

The tag also includes a flag for the region or tag as a whole. The one or more flag bits may signal the tag sensor, for example, to provide feedback indicating the function associated with the adjacent region of the tag without the sensor referring to the region description. Contains invariant structures recognized by.

The tags preferably display the entire page side by side, and the pen is small enough and densely arranged to reliably image at least one tag even with a single quick on the page. Since the dialog is stateless, it is important that the pen recognizes the page ID and position each time it interacts with the page. In other embodiments, the area referenced by the tag is any sub-area or other surface of the page.

For example, it may coincide with the zone of the interactive element, in which case the region ID can directly identify the interactive element. Assuming a maximum tag density of 64 per square inch, a bit tag ID supports region sizes up to square inches. Larger areas can be mapped continuously without increasing tag ID accuracy by simply using the abutting area and map.

The bit area ID is 2 30 In other words, it is possible to uniquely identify different areas of million trillion million trillation. This yields encoded bits consisting of 6 codewords of 15 4-bit symbols each.

The 15,5 code allows up to 5 symbol errors to be corrected per codeword. This is because burst errors errors affecting multiple spatially adjacent bits damage the overall minimum number of symbols, and the minimum number of symbols in any one codeword, in this way.

To maximize the likelihood that burst errors can be fully corrected. The fixed target structure allows a sensor such as a netpage pen to detect a tag and infer its three-dimensional orientation relative to the sensor.

The data area contains a representation of the individual bits of the encoded tag data. When printed at dots per inch, this produces a tag with a diameter of about 4 mm. Since the quiet area is also contributed by the adjacent tag, it only adds 16 dots to the effective diameter of the tag. The detection ring 15 allows the sensor to detect the tag initially. The ring is easy to detect because it is rotationally uniform and a simple correction of its aspect ratio removes most of the effects of perspective distortion.

The orientation axis 16 allows the sensor to determine the approximate plane orientation of the tag for sensor yaw. The orientation axis is bent to produce a unique orientation. Four perspective targets 17 allow the sensor to infer the exact two-dimensional perspective deformation of the tag, and hence the exact three-dimensional position and orientation of the tag relative to the sensor.

This supports, among other things, optimal tag packing on an irregular triangular grid. Combined with a circular correction ring, this optimizes a circular arrangement of data bits within the tag.

To maximize its size, each data bit is represented by a radial wedge-shaped array that takes the form of a region delimited by two radial lines and two concentric circular arcs.

Each wedge has a minimum dimension of 8 dots at dpi and is designed so that its base its inner arc is at least equal to this minimum dimension.

The height of the wedge in the radial direction is always equal to the smallest dimension. Each 4-bit data symbol is represented by an array of 2×2 wedges. The symbols are assigned alternately in a circular fashion around the tag.

It must be possible to see one overall tag. Thus, the required diameter of the sensor’s field of view is a function of tag size and spacing.

The captured image has been acquired from the image sensor, but the dynamic range of the image is determined at Then, the center of the range is chosen as the binary threshold of image The image is then thresholded at 22 and split into connected pixel regions ie, shape Shapes that are too small to represent the tag target structure are discarded.

The size and centroid of each shape is also calculated. The position of the central shape moment is invariant due to its nature, and the scale, aspect ratio, and rotation can be easily made uniform. The ring has the advantage that it works very well during perspective-distorted.

Matching proceeds by aspect normalizing and rotating normalizing the moments of each shape. Once the second moment is normalized, the ring is easy to recognize even if the perspective distortion is significant. Both the first aspect of the ring and the rotation 27 provide an effective approximation of the perspective deformation.

The alignment proceeds by applying ring normalization to each shape moment and rotational normalizing the resulting moment. Once the second moment is normalized, the axis target is easily recognized. Note that a third moment of moment is required to clarify the two possible orientations of the axis. The shape is carefully bent to one side to allow this. Also note that rotational perspective normalization of the axial target is only possible after ring normalization has been applied, since perspective distortion can hide the axis of the axial target.

The initial rotation of the axial target provides an effective approximation of the tag rotation due to the pen yaw A good estimate of the position is calculated based on its known spatial relationship to the ring and axis target, the ring aspect and rotation, and the axis rotation.

Matching proceeds by applying ring normalization to the moments of each shape. Once the second moment is normalized, the circular perspective target is easy to recognize and the target closest to its approximated position is interpreted as a match. Then, the first centroid of the four perspective targets is interpreted as a square perspective distortion corner 31 of a known size in the tag space, and the eight-degree-of-freedom perspective deformation 31 defines the set of four tag spaces and image points.

Inferred at 32 based on solving the well-understood equations that relate. Used to project into the image space used for bilinear interpolation. The previously calculated image threshold 21 is used to threshold the result and produce the final bit value Give rise to Note that codeword symbols are sampled in codeword order so that codewords are not implicitly interleaved during the sampling process.

If a complete tag is detected and not decoded successfully, the pen position is not recorded for the current frame.

Given the appropriate processing power and ideally a non-minimum field of view , an alternative strategy involves seeking another tag in the current image. Not only the overall pen orientation 35 but also the exact location 35 of the pen tip within the region is also known as the perspective deformation 33 observed on the tag and the known spatial relationship between the pen’s physical axis and the pen’s optical axis.

From in Before converting the tag ID and tag-related pen location to an absolute location in the tagged area, the position of the tag in the area must be known. This is indicated by a tag map, a function that maps each tag ID to a corresponding location in the tagged area. The tag map class diagram is shown in FIG. When multiple tagged regions share the same tiling scheme and the same tag numbering scheme, they can also share the same tag map. In this way, considering the region ID, tag ID and pen deformation, the tag map can be searched, the tag ID can be converted to an absolute tag location in the region, and the tag-related pen location can be Can be added to a tag location to create a pen location.

Tagging method Two separate surface coding schemes are important, both of which use the tag structure previously described in this section. An alternative coding scheme uses object display tags. The tag-related location of the pen is added to this tag location, resulting in the location of the pen in the area.

This is then used to determine the location of the pen relative to the user interface element in the page description associated with the region. Not only is the user interface element itself identified, but the location relative to the user interface element is also identified. Thus, the location indication tag trivially supports the capture of absolute pen paths within the zone of certain user interface elements. All tags within a zone of user interface elements identify user interface elements and make them all identical and therefore indistinguishable.

Thus, the object display tag does not support absolute pen path capture. However, they support relative pen path capture. As long as the position sampling frequency exceeds the encountered tag frequency, the displacement from one sampled pen position to the next position in the stroke can be clearly determined. In that regard, it functions as a user interactive element in cooperation with visual elements associated on the netpage. At the most abstract level, the document has a hierarchical structure in which a terminal element is associated with a content object such as a text object, text style object, image object, or the like.

Once a document is printed on a printer with a specific page size and only according to the arc of a specific user’s scale factor, the document is paged and otherwise formatted. Formatted end element may be associated with a content object that is different from the content object associated with its corresponding end element, in some cases, particularly when the content object is style-related. Each printed instance of the document and page is also described separately, allowing input captured through one particular page stance to be recorded separately from input captured through other instances of the same page description.

The user may request a copy through the printer with different page sizes, for example. Conversely, if there is a formatted document description on the page server, the page server can efficiently interpret user actions on a particular printed page.

Each formatted element has a spatial extent or zone 58 on the page. This defines active areas of input elements such as hyperlink fields and input fields. It consists of a set of page stances , each corresponding to the page description 5 of the formatted document.

Each page stance describes a single unique printed netpage 1 and records the page ID 50 of the netpage. A page stance is not part of a document instance if it represents a copy of the page requested separately. An element instance exists only if it records specific information in the instance. In this way, a hyperlink instance exists for the hyperlink element to record a transaction ID 55 that is specific to the page instance, and a field instance because it records an input specific to the page stance.

Exists for field instances. However, element instances do not exist for static elements such as text flow. Static element includes a style element that includes an associated style object , a text flow element that includes an associated styled text object , and an associated image element , as shown in FIG. Image element , graphic element including associated graphic object , video clip element including associated video clip object , audio clip element including associated audio clip element , or associated script object There may be a script element including It consists of a server 14 and a distributed set of netpage printers connected via a network 19 such as the Internet.

It authenticates the user and acts as a signing proxy on behalf of the authenticated user in the application transaction. It also provides handwriting recognition services. As described above, the netpage server 10 maintains persistent information about page descriptions and page stances.

A netpage network includes any number of page servers, each handling a subset of page stances. Since the page server also maintains user input values for each page stance, clients such as netpage printers send netpage input directly to the appropriate page server. The page server interprets any such input relative to the corresponding page description.

The netpage publishing server is an application server that publishes a netpage document to a netpage printer. They are described in detail in Section 2. Multiple netpage servers can run in parallel on a single host, and a single server can be distributed over many hosts. Some or all of the functionality provided by the netpage server, and especially the functionality provided by the ID server and page server, can also be in a netpage device such as a netpage printer, in a computer workstation, or in a local network.

Can be provided directly above. Each printer has a unique printer ID 62 and is connected to the netpage network via a network such as the Internet, ideally via a broadband connection. Netpages interact interactively in space and time with the help of a distributed netpage page server 10 independent of a particular netpage printer.

Each document is distributed in two parts. That is, the page layout and the actual text and image objects that capture the page. For personalization, the page layout is typically specific to a particular subscriber and is therefore pointcast to the subscriber’s printer via an appropriate page server. On the other hand, text objects and image objects are typically shared with other subscribers and are therefore multicast to all subscribers’ printers and appropriate page servers. After receiving a pointcast of the document’s page layout, the printer knows which, if any, will multicast to listen.

It is a duplexed print engine controller , and a Memjet for this purpose TM A print engine that utilizes the trademark print head is provided. That is, rasterization of the page description and expansion and printing of the page image. A raster image processor RIP consists of one or more standard DSPs operating in parallel. The duplexed print engine controller consists of a custom processor that expands, dithers and prints the page image in real time in synchronism with the print head in the print engine.

Such pages have more limited functionality than IR printed pages, but they are still classified as netpages. Further specialized netpage printers may print on more specialized surfaces such as spheres. Each printer supports at least one surface type for each surface type, and supports at least one tag parallel display scheme, and thus a tag map.

A tag map describing the tag parallel display scheme that is actually used to print the document will be associated with the document so that the tags of the document can be accurately interpreted. However, in order to be widely accepted by consumers, it is desirable for a netpage printer to have the following characteristics: ・ Photo quality color printing ・ High quality text printing ・ High reliability and low printer cost ・ Low ink cost ・ Low paper cost ・ Simple operation ・ Almost quiet printing ・ High speed printing ・ Simultaneous duplex printing ・ Compact form factor ・ Low power consumption Commercially available printing technologies do not have all of these features.

Memjet TM Trademark is a drop-on-demand inkjet technology that incorporates a page-width printhead manufactured using micro-electromechanical system MEMS technology. Figure 17 shows a memjet TM 1A shows a single member imaging element of a printhead.

The netpage wall printer incorporates printing elements to form a dpi page width duplex printer. This printer prints not only the paper conditioner and the ink fixifer but also the indigo, magenta, yellow, black and infrared inks simultaneously. These arrays of printing elements are formed on a silicon substrate that incorporates CMOS logic, data transfer, timing, and drive circuitry not shown.

Both beam sets are firmly fixed at their respective anchor points and The combination of elements , , , and forms an electrothermal bending actuator that is cantilevered. Cross section is shown without ink to clearly show ink inlet passing through silicon wafer TM The operating cycle of the TM printing element is shown.

Ink is held in the nozzle chamber by surface tension at the ink meniscus and at the fluid seal formed between the nozzle chamber and the ink flow path rim This causes the current to pass through the beam set for about 1 microsecond, resulting in Joule heating. The increase in temperature resulting from Joule heating causes the beam set to expand.

Since the passive actuator beam set is not heated, it does not expand, creating a stress difference between the two beam sets. This stress difference is partially resolved by the protruding end of the electrothermal bending actuator that bends toward the substrate The lever arm transmits this movement to the nozzle chamber The nozzle chamber moves about 2 microns to the position shown in FIG.

This raises the ink pressure and pushes the ink out of the nozzle , causing the ink meniscus to expand. The nozzle rim prevents the ink meniscus from spreading over the entire surface of the nozzle chamber This helps the ink droplets break apart from the ink in the nozzle chamber, as shown in FIG.

The nozzle chamber is refilled by the action of surface tension at the meniscus In a netpage printer, the printhead length is the full width of the element in direction typically mm. The segment shown is 0. During printing, the paper moves past the fixed print head in direction The printhead has six rows of interleaved printing elements that print the six colors or types of ink supplied by the ink inlet For each nozzle there is a corresponding nozzle guard hole through which ink drops are fired.

To prevent the nozzle guard hole from being blocked by paper fibers or other foreign matter, filtered air is jetted through the air inlet and out of the nozzle guard hole during printing. In order to prevent the ink from drying, the nozzle guard is sealed during printer idle. The image sensor is a solid state element equipped with a suitable filter to allow sensing only in the near infrared wavelength range. As will be described in more detail below, the system can sense when the pen tip contacts the surface, and the pen is fast enough to capture human handwriting ie, greater than dpi and faster than Hz.

Can detect the tag. Information captured by the pen is encrypted and transmitted wirelessly to the printer or base station , which interprets the data with respect to the known page structure. However, the marking aspect is not necessary to use the network system as a browsing system, such as when it is used as an Internet interface. Each netpage pen is registered with the netpage system and has a unique pen ID Further, the force is captured as a continuous value, for example, so that the complete power of the signature can be verified.

It decodes the closest tag and calculates the pen tip position from the observed perspective distortion at the imaged tag with respect to the tag and the known geometry of the pen optics. Although the tag position resolution may be low, the adjusted position resolution is very high because the tag density on the page is inversely proportional to the tag size, and the minimum resolution required for accurate handwriting recognition.

A stroke consists of the result of a time stamped pen position on the page, initiated by a pen down event and completed by a subsequent pen up event. The stroke is tagged with the page ID 50 of the netpage every time the page ID changes, which is the start of the stroke in normal circumstances. The selection is time stamped, allowing the system to discard it after a defined time period.

The current selection describes the area of page stance. It consists of the most recent digital ink stroke captured through the pen relative to the background area of the page. It is interpreted in a way that is specific to the application once it is submitted to the application via selective hyperlink activation.

This is the nib last notified to the system by the pen. In the default netpage pen case described above, either the black ink nib for marking or the non-marking stylus nib is present.

Each pen also has a current nib style This is, for example, a nib style last associated with the pen by the application in response to a user selecting a color from the palette. Strokes captured through the pen are tagged with the current nib style. As strokes are subsequently replicated, they are replicated in the nib style with which they are tagged. Digital ink forms the basis for drawing and handwriting digital exchange for handwritten online recognition and for online verification of signatures.

The transmitted digital ink is encrypted for privacy and confidentiality and packetized for efficient transmission, but always at a pen-up event to ensure timely handling in the printer Washed away.

When the pen is again within range of the printer, it transfers digital ink stored in any buffer. It doesn’t really matter what you do. The coded data 3 of the tag 4 is read by the pen when it is used to perform a movement such as a stroke. The data makes it possible to determine the identity of a particular page and the associated interaction strip element and to obtain an indication of the relative placement of the pen relative to the page.

The display data is transmitted via DNS to the printer that resolves the stroke page ID 50 into the network address of the netpage page server 10 that maintains the corresponding page stance It then transmits the stroke to the page server. If a page was recently identified with an initial stroke, the printer may already have an associated page server address in its cache. Each netpage consists of a compact page layout that is permanently maintained by a netpage page server see below.

Page layout refers to objects such as images, fonts, and pieces of text that are typically stored elsewhere in the netpage network. Then it can interpret the stroke in the context of the type of the related element. Objects that are activated by a click typically require that the click be activated, so that longer strokes are ignored. A hyperlink field and a format field.

Input through the form field can also trigger the activation of the associated hyperlink. hyperlink A hyperlink is a means of sending a message to a remote application and typically reveals a printed response within a netpage system. Identifies the flag and description used when the hyperlink is recorded as a favorite or displayed in the user’s history.

The hyperlink element class diagram is shown in FIG. The application is specified by the application ID 64, and the application ID is decomposed in a normal manner via the DNS.

There are three types of hyperlinks: That is, as shown in FIG. A typical hyperlink can fulfill the request for the linked document, or simply signal the priority to the server. A form hyperlink submits the corresponding form to the application.

The selection hyperlink submits the current selection to the application. If the current selection includes, for example, a single word portion of text, the application may return a single page document that shows the meaning of the word in the context in which it is displayed, or a translation into another language.

Each hyperlink type is characterized by what information is submitted to the application. The system includes an effective return path in every hyperlink activation. When input occurs through any field in the group, the hyperlink associated with the group is activated. Hyperlinked groups can be used to associate hyperlink actions with fields such as checkboxes. The form allows the user to submit one or more parameters to an application software program running on the server.

It ultimately includes a collection of terminal field elements Form instance represents a printed instance of the form. It consists of a set of field instances corresponding to form field elements Each field instance has an associated value whose type depends on the type of the corresponding fee R element.

Each field value records input through a particular printed form instance, i. through one or more printed netpages. The format class diagram is shown in FIG. The form is active when it is first printed. The form is frozen once it is signed. A form becomes submitted once one of its submission hyperlinks is activated, unless the hyperlink has its “delta submission” attribute set.

The format becomes invalid when the user invokes the invalid format, reset format, or duplicate format page command. A form expires when the time it was active exceeds the form’s specified validity period.

Format entry is enabled while the form is active. Input through inactive forms is instead captured in the associated page stance background field Form submission is enabled once the form is active or frozen. Attempts to submit a form when the form is not active or frozen will be rejected and a form status report will be derived instead. This allows all but the most recent version of the form to be excluded from the search within a certain time period.

Digital ink consists of a set of stroke groups each time stamped, each consisting of a set of styled strokes Each stroke consists of a set of pen positions where time stamps have been pressed, each of which also includes pen orientation and pen tip force. A digital ink class diagram is shown in FIG. A field element class diagram is shown in FIG. Any digital ink that is captured in the zone 58 of the field is assigned to the field.

Any mark captured within the zone of the check box field match mark, crosshair, stroke, fill zigzag, etc. will cause the true value to be assigned to the field value. Any digital ink captured within the zone of the text field is automatically converted to text via online handwriting recognition and the text is assigned to the value of the field.

Online handwriting recognition is well understood eg, The State of the Art in On-Line Handwriting Recognition, by Tappert, C. Any digital ink captured in the signature field zone is automatically validated with respect to the pen owner’s identity, and a digital signature of the content in the format that the field is part of is generated and assigned to the field value. The digital signature is generated using the pen user’s private signature key that is specific to the application that owns the form.

See Pattern Recognition, Vol. Hidden field elements do not have an input zone on the page and do not accept input. It may have an associated field value included in the form data when the form containing the field is submitted. However, models that rely on handwritten authors are automatically generated over time and can be generated up-front if necessary.

Any stroke starting in a particular element’s zone is added to that element’s digital ink stream, ready for interpretation. Any stroke not added to the object’s digital ink stream is added to the background field’s digital ink stream. Although the actual interpretation is application specific, the circumscribing of one or more objects is usually interpreted as an assortment of objects bounded by a border.

Selection consists only of the most recent stroke captured in the background field. The selection is cleared after an inactivity timeout to ensure predictable behavior. This allows the application to investigate raw digital ink if it suspects an initial conversion, such as a conversion of handwritten text.

This may include, for example, human intervention at the application level in a format that fails certain consistency checks for certain applications. As an extension to this, the overall background area of the form can be designed as a drawing field. The application then assumes that the user may have indicated modifications to the fields that are filled outside of those fields and, based on the presence of digital ink outside the explicit field of the form, You can decide to send it to the operator.

The process receives the stroke from the pen at , identifies the page stance referenced by the page ID 50 in the stroke at , and identifies the formatted element whose stroke intersects the zone 58 Identifying at whether the formatted element matches the field element, and if so, the received stroke is converted to the digital ink of field value at Appending, interpreting at the accumulated digital ink of the field, and determining at whether the field is part of a hyperlinked group , and part In some cases, the associated hyperlink is activated at Instead, determine at whether the formatted element matches the hyperlink element, and if it matches at activate the corresponding hyperlink, instead enter If there is no field or hyperlink, append the received stroke at to the digital ink in the background field and receive it in the current pen current selection as maintained by the registration server.

This consists of copying at the strokes that have been made. The process determines whether the field is a check box at and whether the digital ink represents a check mark at , and if so, sets the true value to the field value. And in instead, determining whether the field is a text field in , and if so, with the help of an appropriate registration server in Converting digital ink to computer text, instead determining at whether the field is a signature field, and if so, with the help of an appropriate registration server, Verifying digital ink as a signature at and helping the registration server again Thus, creating a digital signature of the corresponding formatted content at , using the pen owner’s private signature key associated with the corresponding application, and adding the digital signature to the field value It consists of assigning.

It works directly on forms, pages and document instances. It may be The duplicate form command invalidates the corresponding form instance and then creates an active printed copy of the current form instance with the field values saved. Since the copy contains the same hyperlink transaction ID as the original, it cannot be distinguished from the original by the application.

The reset format command invalidates the corresponding format instance and then generates an active printed copy of the format instance with the field values discarded.

The Get Format Status command is printed for the status of the corresponding format instance, including who published it, when it was printed, who it was printed for, and the format status of the format instance Create a report for [] Since the form hyperlink instance includes a transaction ID, the application must be included in creating a new form instance.

Thus, a button requesting a new form instance is typically implemented as a hyperlink. If the page contains a form or is part of a form, the duplicate page command is interpreted as a duplicate form command. The page reset command creates a printed copy of the corresponding page stance with the background field value discarded. If the page contains a form or is part of a form, the page reset command is interpreted as a form reset command.

The Get Page Status command includes who published it, when it was printed, who it was printed for, and the status of any form it contains or is part of Create a printed report about the status of the corresponding page stance. That is, the check mark is displayed as a standard check mark graphic and the text is displayed as typeset text.

Only the drawing and signature are displayed in their original form, and the signature is accompanied by a standard graphic indicating successful signature verification. If the document contains any format, the duplicate document command duplicates the format in the same way that the duplicate format command does. The document reset command creates a printed copy of the corresponding document instance with the background field value discarded. If the document contains any format, the document reset command resets the format in the same way that the format reset command does.

The Get Document Status command relates to the status of the corresponding document instance, including who published it, when it was printed, who it was printed for, and the status of any format it contains Create a printed report.

As a result, a menu of page server commands can be printed. If the target page does not contain a page server command element for the designed page server command, the command is ignored. Rather than executing a page server command, the page server activates the hyperlink associated with the hyperlinked group.

A hidden command element does not have an input zone on the page and cannot be activated directly by the user. The logo also serves as a copy button. In most cases, pressing the logo creates a copy of the page. For forms, the button makes a copy of the entire form. And in the case of a secure document such as a ticket or coupon, the button leads to an explanatory note or advertising page. Special copy functions are handled by linking the logo button to the application.

When pressed, it derives a single page of information, including: -Printer connection status ・ Status of printer consumables ・ Top-level help menu ・ Document function menu ・ Top level netpage network directory The help menu provides a hierarchical manual on how to use the netpage system.

The status of the document indicates who published it, when it was delivered to whom, and when it was subsequently submitted as a form. Personalized publishing model In the following description, news is used as a normative publication example to illustrate a personalization mechanism within a netpage system. News is often used in the limited sense of newspaper and newsletter news, but the intended scope in this context is even wider.

The edited content is personalized according to the reader’s explicitly stated and implicitly captured interest profile. Advertising content is personalized according to the reader’s locality and demographics. While news publications are collected and edited by publishers, news streams are collected by either news publishers or specialized news collections.

News publications typically represent traditional newspapers and current newsletters, but news streams are numerous and can vary. By handling the format of the gathering, and thus the news stream selected directly by the reader, the server can place advertisements on pages that would otherwise not be editable.

The resulting daily plates are printed and bound into a single newspaper. Typically, a diverse number of families express their different interests and preferences by selecting different daily publications and customizing them.

Some sections are displayed daily, others are displayed weekly. The set of available sections is specific to a publication, as is a subset of default faults. Qualitatively eg, high, normal, low, no or numerically ie, as a percentage. Each article is ideally written or edited in both short and long form to support this priority. The appropriate version is selected depending on the reader’s age.

By default, they are delivered to all relevant subscribers in priority order, subject to the subscriber’s edition spatial constraints. Then this applies to articles that have a sufficiently long lifetime. Each article suitable for collaborative filtering is printed with a rating button at the end of the article.

The higher the coefficient of talent for making unexpected discoveries, the lower the threshold used for matching during collaborative filtering. The higher the coefficient, the more likely that the corresponding section will be filled to the reader’s specified capacity.

Another unexpected discovery talent factor can be specified on different days of the week. The reader optionally specifies priorities for fewer images, smaller images, or both.

If the number or size of the images is not reduced, the images may be delivered with lower quality ie, at a lower resolution or with greater compression. This includes specifying whether the unit is imperial or metric, local time zone and time format, and local currency, and whether the localization consists of transformations or annotations in situ.

These priorities are drawn from the reader’s locality by default. Both text and images are scaled accordingly and each page contains less information. However, the netpage system can be configured to provide an automatic translation service with various appearances. For example, travel advertisements are more likely to be displayed by the travel section than elsewhere. The value for editorial content advertisers and therefore for publishers lies in its ability to attract the majority of graphics readers, albeit right.

Locality determines the proximity to specific interests and interests associated with specific services, retailers, etc. Demographics determine not only the likely consumption patterns, but also general and critical concerns. It is a multidimensional entity. It can therefore be sold closer to its true value. Therefore, it increases the original value of the advertising space. Subsequent separation is efficient because it is automatic.

This makes it more cost-effective to deal with the advertising aggregate than the publisher directly takes the advertisement. Even if the advertising aggregate is taking a percentage of advertising revenue, publishers will notice that the change is profit-neutral due to the higher efficiency of collection.

The ad aggregate serves as a mediator between the advertiser and publisher and may place the same advertisement in multiple publications. While neglecting the full complexity of negotiations between advertisers, ad aggregates, and publishers, the preferred format netpage system includes support for these spaces, including support for automated auctions of advertising space. To provide some automated support. Automation is particularly desirable for the placement of advertisements that generate a small amount of revenue, such as small advertisements or highly localized advertisements.

Correspondingly, the publisher records the advertisement placement on the associated network publishing server. When the netpage publishing server lays out each user’s personalized publishing, it picks relevant advertisements from the network advertising server.

It is used to correlate various user interests for the purpose of making recommendations. While there are advantages to maintaining a single collaborative filtering vector regardless of any particular publication, there are two reasons why it is more practical to maintain a separate vector for each publication. In other words, there can be more overlap between the vector volumes of subscribers of the same publication than between the vector of subscribers of different publications.

And publications would like to present the user’s collaborative filtering vector as part of the brand’s value not found elsewhere. Thus, the collaborative filtering vector is also maintained by the associated netpage publishing server. or age range And depend on qualitative derivatives such as income range. To maintain. For registration purposes, a publisher is a special kind of application provider and a publication is a special kind of application.

Each user has a single default printer where periodic publications are delivered by default at 66 , but pages that are printed on demand are delivered through the printer with which the user is interacting. The server tracks whether the user has allowed the publisher to print to the user’s default printer. The publisher does not record the ID of any particular printer, but instead decomposes the ID when it is needed.

This permission can be invoked by the user at any time. Each user may have multiple pens , but pens are specific to a single user. If the user is allowed to use a particular printer, the printer recognizes any of the user’s pens. Such revenue can include advertising fees, click-through fees, e-commerce fees and transaction fees. If the printer is owned by the user, the user is a printer provider. The list is maintained by the system on behalf of the user.

It is organized as a hierarchy of folders whose preferred embodiments are shown in FIG. accessed by the user through the netpage system on behalf of each user. It is organized as a date ordered list whose preferred embodiments are shown in the class diagram of FIG.

Because most advertisements take the form of preformatted rectangles, they are placed on the page before the edited content. The algorithm tries to place closely linked editorial content and advertising content in the same place, such as placing advertisements specifically for roofing materials in the publications for features on repairing home-made roofs. However, section size priorities can fit on average over time, allowing for considerable day-to-day variations. Specific information consists of page layouts.

The shared information consists of objects referenced by the page layout, including parts of images, graphics and text. XSL provides precise control over the text regardless of the area where the text is set, which is provided by the layout in the case of children.

The text object includes an embedded language to allow automatic conversion, and an embedded hyphenation code to assist paragraph formatting. The graphic object encodes 2D graphics in a scalable vector graphics SVG format. It holds. These layout objects are summarized in Table 3. The layout uses a compact format suitable for efficient distribution and storage. Tag the layout with the name of the multicast channel.

The server then pointscasts each user’s layout to the user’s printer via the appropriate page server and multicasts the content shared on the specified channel when pointcasting is complete. After receiving the pointcast, each page server and printer subscribe to the multicast channel specified in the page layout. During multicast, each page server and printer extracts those objects referenced by its page layout from the multicast stream.

The page server permanently archives the received page layout and shared content. Assuming a quarter of each page is covered with an image, the average page has a size of less than KB.

Therefore, the printer can hold more than pages in its internal 64 MB memory, enabling a temporary buffer or the like. The printer prints at a rate of 1 page per second.

This is equivalent to KB, or 3 Mbits per second of page data, which is similar to the highest expected rate of page data delivery over a broadband network. Thus, the netpage publishing server allows the printer to submit a re-multicast request. When a significant number of requests are received or a timeout occurs, the server re-multicasts the corresponding shared object. A netpage format server is a special instance of a netpage publishing server.

They were appreciated neither by curators of National Museums and upper-class people, nor by antique dealers who considered them to be unworthy of their attention. So, I could acquire terrific items, sometimes at around three to five yens, prices well within the reach of a young white-collar like myself.

It was such a joy to collect ceramics of the Joseon Dynasty in those days. The collection of Nakagawa was out in the antique market before his death and the ones discussed in the book are inevitably popular. Seven ceramics from the book, all of which are from the Museum Richo, in Arashiyama, Kyoto, appear in this chapter. Taizo Kuroda is a ceramic artist born in Shiga in At the age of twenty, he went to Paris.

Thus his carrier as a potter began in In , he returned to Japan and settled in Matsuzaki on the west coast of Izu Peninsula. I questioned myself repeatedly, thousands and thousands of times, and in the end, I was absolutely sure that I loved white porcelains from the beginning. He is one of the few craftsmen whose artistic visions truly set themselves apart from others, and is a pioneer of transforming ceramics into sculpture not vice versa.

In this chapter, Akagi visits Ito and comes up with his new views on Kuroda. He lived there with his stepfather. While working in a spinning mill, he collected old folkcrafts and began making wood sculptures himself. S 7|骨董と私 On My Antique Collection シアターカンパニー「アリカ」の主宰者・演出家である藤田康城さん(一九六二年生れ)の骨董コレクションを紹介します。 〈すぐれた演劇を見て心が動かされるように、古いものを通じて、人間という存在のドラマを夢想すること〉(藤田康城) きっかけは、知りあいの編集者が藤田家をたずねたときの印象を語った言葉でした。「部屋には本と、古いものがたくさんある。骨董のことはよくわからないけれど、人のかたちをしたものが多かった。関心がない自分が気づくくらいだからね」 藤田家をたずねたときにそのことをいうと(たしかに知人のいうとおりでした)、藤田さんは気づいていませんでした。記事のテーマは「骨董・身体・子供」です。〈私たちARICAの演劇は、身体行為を中心に、奇妙な道具や装置を駆使して、その行為を拡大、変容、展開させていく舞台だ。それは、少なからず遊戯的で、無心に遊びに向かう幼い子供の生命力と共通すると考えている〉(同) 「骨董と私」特集では、骨董とはなにかという問いのこたえを拡張し、更新できたらと思っています。S This chapter is on the antique collection of Yasuki Fujita born in , a director of the Theater Company ARICA.

For me, it is like being moved by a performance in a theatre. They were conspicuous even to a non-antique lover like me. When I told him that, surprisingly, Fujita was not particularly aware of that.

We value the physicality of an actor and it expand, transform and develop dramatically, using peculiar objects and extraordinary stage sets.


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