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by LBC PRO EVENTS. txt Blackmagic Hyperdeck Studio Less. Languages To go directly to your preferred language, simply click avobe the hyperlinks listed in the contents below. English Welcome Thank you for purchasing your Blackmagic HyperDeck disk recorder! When we designed the original Blackmagic HyperDeck disk recorders back inwe wanted to make it easier and more affordable to record and play back professional video on removable 2.

Now we are excited to present our new range of HyperDeck disk recorders that let you record HD and Ultra HD video using SD cards, SSDs insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 now USB flash disks. You can even connect a Blackmagic MultiDock 10G and record or play back files on external hard drives! HyperDeck Studio Plus and Pro models feature familiar broadcast deck controls with a search dial for jog, shuttle and scroll playback.

They even include a front headphone connection and speaker so you can quickly check your audio directly from your HyperDeck, plus many more insertar imagen extendex adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 We hope you get years of use from your HyperDeck disk recorder and that it will serve you well with your productions!

Please check the support page at www. com for the latest version of this manual and updates to the HyperDeck software. Keeping your software up to date will always ensure 自自由 get all the latest features. We are constantly working on new features and improvements, so we would love to hear from you!

Grant Petty CEO Blackmagic Design. Introducing HyperDeck Disk Recorders Your Blackmagic HyperDeck disk recorder is part of a family of HD and 4K disk recorders designed to fit your own production workflow. HyperDeck Studio HD Pro and HyperDeck Studio 4K Pro are built to fit inside a single rack unit and are large enough to record and play back files on both SD cards and 9.

自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 Studio HD Mini and HyperDeck Studio HD Plus are smaller disk recorders that can be used comfortably on your desktop or fitted in a rack unit via an optional Teranex Mini Rack Shelf. HyperDeck Studio HD Pro and HyperDeck Studio 4K Pro HyperDeck Studio HD Mini HyperDeck Studio HD Plus All models can also record to USB проверимс.

how to uninstall vmware workstation 14 pro 自由 хотел disks and support HD video up продолжение здесь p HyperDeck Studio eztended Pro supports Ultra HD video up to p Recording and playback functions generally operate the same way on all models, with extra features on larger models giving you greater playback control and broader connection options.

This instruction manual provides all the information you need to get started with your HyperDeck disk recorder and master insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 the controls and features! Introducing HyperDeck Disk Recorders 5. Getting Started Getting started with your HyperDeck Studio disk recorder is as easy as connecting power, plugging in your video sources and destination equipment and inserting your SSDs or По этому адресу cards.

If your HyperDeck model has an additional IEC power input, you can connect to another extenxed source for redundancy. For example, connecting the second input to an uninterrupted power supply, or UPS, will посетить страницу take over if the primary source fails.

All models also include a 12V DC input, which lets you connect power from an external 12V battery. HyperDeck Studio HD Mini can also be powered via an AC plug pack. If your power supply has a locking ring, secure the connection нажмите чтобы перейти HyperDeck Ppro HD Mini by tightening the connector to the unit. This locks the power cable in place to prevent accidental disconnection. Once powered, the LCD display will prompt you to select your language. This will take you to the home screen.

Connecting Video and Audio Plug your source video to the SDI or HDMI inputs, and your destination equipment to the SDI or HDMI outputs. For example, a source could be a digital cinema camera and a destination could be an HDMI television or SDI monitor.

All HyperDeck models support HD video up to p HyperDeck Studio 4K Pro has 12G-SDI connectors so you can input or output Ultra HD up to p60 using a single BNC cable. Getting Started 6. You can confirm the SDI or HDMI video signal by monitoring the built in LCD on the front panel. You can check the audio levels by observing the meters next to the video image on acroat Insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由. Checking Audio If your HyperDeck features a 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 and headphone port on the front panel, you can quickly check your audio using the built in exxtended or by 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 in headphones.

To listen, press and hold the speaker button and rotate the search dial to adjust the volume. A volume indicator will appear on the LCD home screen. Double press the speaker button to keep the speaker enabled.

Double press again extendes disable. Plugging in Media All HyperDeck Studio models ship ready to record immediately without having to configure any settings. Acfobat you need is a formatted Insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 ссылка на страницу SD insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由. You can easily format media via the LCD menu settings.

You can also format using a computer. You can also find information about the types of media that are best for recording video and a list of 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 drives and cards. To plug in an SSD: 1 Hold a 9. Insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 push the SSD into the drive bay until you feel it slot into place. This is shown by an illuminated green indicator surrounding the drive bay.

When the green indicator stops, your HyperDeck is ready to record! The drive indicator will illuminate green when reading the media and then turn off when your HyperDeck is ready to record Getting Узнать больше здесь insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由.

To remove the SSD, grip the outer edge and gently pull away from the unit. You will feel the SSD disconnect from the slot. Now gently push the card into the slot until you feel it lock firmly into place. This is shown by an illuminated green 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 above the SD card slot.

When the indicator turns off and the stop button is illuminated, your HyperDeck Studio is ready to record. Getting Started 8. TIP To remove the card, gently push until you feel it click, then release. The card will eject a short ppro, allowing you to hold the edge of the card and remove it from the slot. Your HyperDeck Studio is now ready for recording and playback! Recording Video After confirming that your video source is displayed on the LCD, you can start recording straight away!

To 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 recording, press the record button. When recording to an Pri card, the slot indicator will illuminate red along with the record button, the play button will illuminate and a record icon will appear in the LCD home screen. When recording to an SSD, the dynamic media indicator will illuminate red. While HyperDeck Studio is recording, the storage indicator on the LCD will alternate between displaying the active slot and record time remaining on the media.

To finish the recording, 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 the stop button. TIP If you want to change the 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 being used, you can change the codec setting using the Blackmagic HyperDeck Setup utility.

In this case, you simply need to insert extdnded disk with space so recording can continue. Once you insert a blank disk into an empty slot or the ext disk input, the slow flashing will stop and the timecode Recording Video 9. will revert to white. This means HyperDeck can continue to record, because this second disk has been checked ok and there is space to keep recording.

When more than one media is connected to HyperDeck Studio, the recording will spill from one disk or drive to the next. This will be shown in the upper right corner of the home screen. Swapping Disks During Recording If you want to change the disk you are recording to at any time, and you have a second disk that has free space, then simply hold down the record button and insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 recording will move insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 the current disk to the next disk.

This is very useful when acrboat want to get that disk out of the HyperDeck without pausing recording. If the record button flashes during a recording, there may be problems acrpbat your media kmplayer 自由 ダウンロード for windows 10 in dropped frames. This /33167.txt occur when recording Ultra HD using slower professional2016年オフ microsoft office, for extendec, recording p30 ProRes HQ uses a higher data rate compared to ProRes Proxy, so your SD cards or SSDs need to be the fastest available.

You can do this using the LCD menu. Loop Playback If you want playback to continue indefinitely, you can 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 your HyperDeck to loop by pressing the play button again during playback. When loop playback is enabled, you will see the loop icon appear on the LCD. Insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended adibe are two loop modes available.

Loop clip Loops the currently playing clip. Loop all clips Loops all recorded clips on your media. Dynamic LEDs During playback, the bezel surrounding the drive bay illuminates green in a circular motion to indicate the playback speed and direction TIP If the play button flashes on HyperDecks that record on SSDs, this means the disk is not fast enough and playback cannot keep up. We recommend you change to extende more compressed recording format such as H.

Using the Search Dial Using the search dial during playback is a fast way to move through your clips and select specific moments to play, or review them frame by 自. This can be important if you need to locate a specific moment in a clip, either by visually monitoring the clip as you turn the dial, or by searching for a specific timecode point.

It is also helpful for parking the playhead at a specific cue point, ready for the clip to be rolled to air during a live broadcast. Search dial 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 include Jog, Shuttle and Microsoft office 2016 crack 64 bits 自由. Jog Plays 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 or backwards through the clip frame by frame allowing precise control. Shuttle Plays forwards or backwards at a faster rate. The playback will vary based on how far you turn the dial.

Scroll Even 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 playback depending on how far you turn insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 dial. T2O diary 田舎在住グラフィックデザイナーのお気楽な日常. posted by 坂本竜男 at 自由 adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 Insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 0 撮影機材. Asunsoft RAR Password Geeker 4. Posted by grassshan at 年12月20日 Posted by ardyntal insertar imagen en adobe acrobat 9 pro extended 自由 年12月21日 Posted by bernyamu at 年12月21日 Posted by birdmari at 年12月22日 Posted by ellyyoom at 年12月22日 zip f8f.

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